Ontario, Canada
This morning as well as yesterday on the local news I heard three things aside from the couple suing the O.P.P. on the land claims issue here in Ontario Canada.
The first, or all three anyway ..., ties in with the law suit and it was that Native protesters were protesting next to the house of the people suing the O.P.P. second was that the minister of aboriginal affairs claimed the land was purchased by Ontario in 1996. Thirdly I heard the Ontario government owns the land upon which the smoke manufacturing plant has been making the reserve cigarettes.
Ok I'll get back to that in a minute but first remember land claims were originally created because First and Six Nations wanted nothing to do with Canadian governing, they wanted land so they could chief themselves. Since they were on their own land chiefing themselves I can even understand why they get status cards to exempt them from paying taxes when making purchases while not on their own property because they wanted nothing to do with Canadian government.
How many billions of Canadian government tax dollars have been serviced to First and Six Nations people when they clearly wanted nothing to do with Canadian government which was made quite clear when and which is exactly why they wanted treaties signed for land claims in the first place?!
How many First and six Nations reserves have Canadian governing tax dollars building and funding their schools, housing social assistance etc. when they wanted nothing to do with government they wanted land so they could chief themselves? How many first and six nations’ people are in any Canadian governing parliament / governing Ministry?
Hey they made it quite clear when land claims were originally made that they wanted nothing to do with governing, they wanted land so that they could chief themselves which is exactly why land claim treaties were made.
When are they going to pay back the what, (Billions upon billions?), of dollars owed to Canadian tax payers? Otherwise why is any level of Canadian government still honouring land claims when they obviously become invalid upon having anything to do with Canadian government, and when are their status cards exempting them from paying taxes going to be no longer valid?
Remember land claims were originally made because First and Six Nations wanted nothing to do with governing; they wanted land so that they could chief themselves.
People pay taxes because they want something to do with government, they reap the services of the taxes they pay for and here we are the Canadian tax payers being washed over like we just rolled out of a cloth diaper!
Enough is enough. It is time equality takes effect. Either pay back the taxes owed to the Canadian government or be willing to admit you want something to do with governing instead of land and living tax free at everyone else’s expense. It is pretty plain and simple!
Ok, back to the three things I heard on the local news, again " The first, or all three anyway ..., ties in with the law suit and it was that Native protesters were protesting next to the house of the people suing the O.P.P. second was that the minister of aboriginal affairs claimed the land was purchased by Ontario in 1996. Thirdly I heard the Ontario government owns the land upon which the smoke manufacturing plant has been making the reserve cigarettes.
Ok, is the land that these first / six nations people protesting on the same land that the Ontario government has owned officially since 1996 as well as the land of which this manufacturing plant is on? A valid question because it was not made clear in the news. I wonder because if so were ministers planning on selling it twice while having first / six nations play along for a little extra cash as well and only planning to tell tax payers they sold it once to pocket some money but in lieu of recent events had them suddenly decide to tell the public after three years of putting Caledonians through this?
Hey I'm wondering because A) this whole land claim thing is pretty fishy in lieu of the above mentioned to do with first and six nation wanting land because they wanted nothing to do with Canadian Governing.
And B) On the current governments behalf scamming Ontario tax payers of over a billion dollars by way over paying contractors which was also recently in the local news within the last couple of months.
I wonder how these conversations went to do with the overpayments of these contractors, could it have been something like
Person we'll refer to as (Guess who 1) "Here take millions more dollars to do a job, just make sure you pocket a couple of million for me because I'm going to need it for retirement"
Person we'll refer to as (Guess who 2, 3 or 4 etc) "wait what if we get caught"
Person we'll refer to as (Guess who 1)
Oh don't worry about it, I have had all the time in the world to mastermind this, I have control over the finances and can spin doctor it so no one can prove anything, and if the can't prove anything what do we have to worry about"
Person we'll refer to as (Guess who 2, 3 or 4 etc)
"Yeah I guess you're right, if people in the government go to jail who's going to want to run for office in the future anyway"
Then they both laugh and shake hands.
What really happened ... really because I have not heard how over a billion dollars can just be ejected from tax payers pockets without any accountability?!!
People are being this naive of Ontarians and are getting away with it because they apparently / seemingly to me seem to think they can get away with it on the hunch that no one will run for office in the future if people are going to go to jail and / or fired.
The temptation is there when your in control over billions but it is a matter of morality from there and are people really so trusting of people in power to believe everything they say even when they don't even give you an explanation.
To naive to realize some people might actually want to get into government to help the people and not themselves!
This is sad really, I kind of feel ashamed of my fellow Canadians / Ontarians for doing nothing but I sincerely hope that changes.
Column by-
David Jeffrey Spetch