West Bengal
Name of the victim: -Tufan Biswas, son of Late Tabibur Biswas, aged about-21 years, by faith-Muslim, by profession- Cultivator, resided at village-Swarupdaha, Post Ofiice: Hakimpore, Police Station-Swarupnagar, Sub-District: Basirhat, District-North 24 Parganas, West Bengal.
Name of the Perpetrators: - Two on-duty Border Security Force jawan, namely Baba and Manindra, posted on 10.10.2010 at about 9:00 am under Bithari BSF Camp of Battalion-126, Police Station-Swarupnagar, District-North 24 Parganas.
Time and Date of incident: - 10/10/2010 at about 9:00 am.
Place of incident: - Inside B.O.P. Bithari Camp, Battalion no: 126, Border Security Force.
Case Details:-
On 10 October 2010 at about 9 am the victim Mr. Tufan Biswas was going to Daharkanda village from Swarupdaha village to deliver food at I.C.D.S. centre. When he reached a place called Hazra at Daharkanda village a BSF jawan called ‘Baba’ without any reason wrongfully restrained his way and taken him to their camp. Then some BSF personnel illegally detained the victim for more than 3 hours in that camp. During these hours the BSF personnel ‘Baba’ and another jawan called ‘Manindra’ under the leadership of the Company Commander tortured the victim mercilessly without any cause. They started beating Tufan black and blue with their baton. Even the victim was threatened to be murdered by the BSF personnel coupled with filthy language. Then at about 12 p.m. they released the victim from their custody.
Due to this ruthless torture the victim was suffering from severe bodily injuries. Bloods were clotted at many part of his body, mainly, in both legs and buttock. Many area of his body was swollen. The BSF personnel are giving threat to the victim as a result of which he was unable to gain confidence to appear before the police station. Although after a prolonged treatment, Mr. Tufan Biswas himself filed a written complaint to the Additional Superintendent of Police, North 24 Parganas on 14/04/2011. However no steps have been taken by the police till date. It was alleged by many of the villagers that torture by BSF jawans has become a day-to-day issue there.
Name of the victim: -Hafizur Goldar, son of Mantaj Goldar, aged about-28 years, by faith-Muslim, by profession- Cultivator, resided at village-Daharkanda, Post Office : Hakimpore, Police Station-Swarupnagar, Sub-District: Basirhat, District-North 24 Parganas, West Bengal.
Name of the Perpetrators: - Some on-duty police and special force personnel when they are passing by Swarupnagar Market, North 24 Parganas, on 13/03/2011 at about 5 pm.
Time and Date of incident: - 13/03/2011 at about 5:00 pm.
Place of incident: - Near Swarupdaha Market, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal.
Case Details
It was revealed during our fact finding the victim Hafizur Goldar is living in above mentioned village with his parents, wife and two little daughters. He is living under penury and fending himself with his family by working on agrarian lands.
On 13/03/2011 the victim was sitting at a tea stall situated at the Swarupdaha Market. He was chatting with some of his friends. Meanwhile some police and special force i.e. R.A.F. and C.R.P.F. appeared there. They were started to use slang indicating the people who were sitting at the tea stall. As it hurt the dignity of the victim, Mr Hafizur Goldar requested the perpetrators to stop using filthy languages. Hafizur’s reply made the officials of police and special force furious and one of the Rapid Action Force Personnel by holding Hafizur started beating the victim brutally with his bare hands. Subsequently the other police, RAF and CRPF personnel joined him. They started the showers of punches on the victim’s face and neck. As a result of that the victim became seriously injured. His face and neck became swollen. The victim sent a written complaint to the Additional Superintendent of Police, North 24 Parganas on 23/04/2011. However no steps have been taken till date.
Name of the victim: -Jiyaur Rahman Biswas, son of Majid Biswas, aged about-30 years, by faith-Muslim, by profession- Cultivator, resided at village-Swarudaha, Post Office : Hakimpore, Police Station-Swarupnagar, Sub-District: Basirhat, District-North 24 Parganas, West Bengal.
Name of the Perpetrators: -. Company Commander posted under battalion no: 126 of B.O.P. Bithari Camp on - 04/12/2010 at about 5:00 pm.
Time and Date of incident: - 04/12/2010 at about 5:00 pm.
Place of incident: - Near B.O.P. Bithari Camp, Battalion no: 126, Border Security Force.
Case Details
It was revealed during our fact finding that Mr Jiyaur Rahaman Biswas is a person belongs to the minority community and a indigent background. He is living under a poor economic condition with his family. On 4/12/2010 while he was returning from Daharkanda to his village after dealing with some property related matters the Company Commander of battalion no: 126 of B.O.P. Bithari Camp restrained his way without any cause. He started to use filthy languages indicating his pedigree. The company commander was alleged to be drunk at that moment. When the victim protested he started to beat him mercilessly with his bare hand. After a while he released him. The victim was also threatened by the perpetrator that if he ever lodges any complaint against the BSF in this regard he’ll be shot to death. The victim got severely injured, the marks of which are still evident on his body. The victim sent a written complaint to the Additional Superintendent of Police, North 24 Parganas on 23/04/2011. But all are in vain. No steps have been taken till date.
Report by:
Kirity Roy
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