Friday, September 17, 2010


The government and the military are engaged in competition for supremacy. The judiciary is struggling for its due role, vis-à-vis the executive. Often with collusion of those who should be protecting them, very survival of minorities is repeatedly threatened by the aggressive elements of the majority community. Millions of innocent citizens, already lacking basic civic facilities, are now further distressed under the combined fury of the nature and the terrorists.

Today’s Pakistan is not what the Quaid-e-Azam had outlined in some of his last speeches. According to many commentators and think-tanks, the future of Pakistan appears bleak!

Still there is hope! The phoenix can still rise from its own ashes!
Blaming foreigners for the difficulties, even if justified, may at best arouse feeling of guilt in the alleged perpetrators, but will not save the nation from the disaster toward which it seem to be headed.

Common people and the civil society will have to accept responsibility for what they have allowed to happen, and gear up to improve upon the current situation. They cannot keep waiting for someone else to rescue them from the mess the nation is in.
I am reminded of the story, I learnt in the middle school, of a flock of pigeons, captured with a net, by a hunter. After failing to get away with their individual efforts, they managed to escape, along with the net, when they tried all together.

Common citizens of Pakistan, however battered by their current miseries, and the civil society, however weak, discouraged and disorganized, from the repeated ravages of the various dictatorial regimes, will have to reclaim their rights.

They did it just recently for the restoration of the Supreme Court. They can do similar things again!

Let all patriotic sons and daughters of Pakistan, and all others who love and care for its future, put their heads, hearts, and hands together, to do whatever is necessary, to stop the downward spiral, before it is too late.

The country’s integrity and dignity must be safeguarded. Suitable political, social and civic environment needs to be created in which all its citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs, caste or class, can live together in peace and harmony, so that the future of its children is secure and bright, and so that the nation can prospers, and play an honorable role on the world stage.

Finally, they should choose their leaders and officials more wisely to ensure that they are more patriotic, and more conscientious in discharge of their responsibilities.

Dr. Pritam K Rohila
The Executive Director of the Association For Communal Harmony In Asia
4410 Verda Lane NE, Keizer, OR 97303, USA

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